Ordering High School Transcripts

  • To order a student high school transcript for college admission, parents/students will create their own online Parchment account. This electronic account will be a student's account for anything they need after high school graduation.

    Ordering Instructions

    1. Go to 
    2. Set up a New Learner Account (no registration codes issued)
    3. Enter student name EXACTLY as it appears on your student Infinite Campus account
    4. Complete all registration information (recommended: waive rights to access)
    5. Select destination college, NCAA (for athletes needs), or the Common Application
    6. Provide credit or debit card for the transcript processing fee

    Notes: An unofficial transcript is generated free of charge within a day after the account is established. (The transcript requested will be an "official" transcript sent electronically) The unofficial transcript should be checked by the student once it arrives, for accuracy of grades, and ACT scores BEFORE requesting and sending the offial transcript  to it's college destinations. Electronic transcripts take one to three days to be sent to colleges.

    Benefits: This service is easy, secure, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many colleges prefer the official electronic transcript. Email confirmation is sent to the student when the request is received when the transcript has been sent, and when the transcript has been received by the college.