A Partnership in Learning

  • Learning online is a partnership between the school, student, family and Learning Coach. Together we can help all students reach their full potential.

    How Does It Work?

    Lakeville Online Academy is a statewide, public school for families and students looking for anytime, anywhere learning that includes individualized instruction, flexibility in pace and schedule, responsiveness to learning styles and self-selection of learning environment. We offer full-time and part-time enrollment options. Even though students learn outside of a school building, they will receive a high quality educational experience that meets and/or exceeds the state and local standards. Our classes are taught by Lakeville Area Public Schools teachers. Lakeville Online Academy also follows all of the Minnesota Department of Education public school requirements, including reporting and testing. Students in Lakeville Online Academy will take state tests in the spring, along with all other public school students.

  • "Our teachers and administrators have a shared commitment for creating a culture of collaboration and connection while online."