Welcome to Christina Huddleston Elementary!

  • Christina Huddleston Elementary   Christina Huddleston

    Founded 1982

    Welcome to Christina Huddleston Elementary School in Lakeville, Minnesota. We are a Kindergarten through Fifth grade school, with an enrollment of about 510 students and a staff of about 80 licensed and non-licensed employees. We provide general and special education services, as well as content specialist education. Huddleston is also home to district special education programs in the area of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    Huddleston Elementary opened in 1982 and was named after an active long-time area resident, Christina Streefland Huddleston. Located in the heart of a residential area, our attendance area is very concentrated. The grounds of our school include several playing fields, a terrific winter sliding hill, playground structures, an outdoor learning center, gardens and an outdoor sculpture.

    Our district curriculum, excellent teaching, and families making education a priority have helped our students succeed. Our students consistently surpass state testing standards. Our teachers are current in educational practices, using comprehensive literacy and mathematics instructional strategies, and integrated digital learning.

    Parents are a critical part of the education team at Christina Huddleston Elementary. Many volunteers can be seen each day, working with children, helping teachers or other staff, working on clerical tasks or in the gardens. Our parents are the driving force behind our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) which provides incredible financial support for special opportunities and materials for our students, families, and staff.

    There are many neat things going on at our school. Please browse our web site and find out more about us. Send your comments or questions to Jill M. Kelly, Principal at Christina Huddleston Elementary.

    Our Mission

    The CHE community will provide a caring and inclusive place for active learning, collaboration, and innovation, creating life-long learners.

    Our Vision

    Success for all in learning and life! 

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