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Principal Bret Domstrand lobbies on Capitol Hill

March 20, 2024

Principals from around the country lobbying on Capitol Hill

Lake Marion Elementary Principal Bret Domstrand, along with principals from across the country, lobbied on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, March 13. The principals were lobbying on behalf of federal education and mental health bills that directly impact our schools. 

“It was a thrill to meet with Senator Klobuchar and our Minnesota State Representatives to discuss what we see in our schools on a daily basis,” said Domstrand. “Telling our personal stories from the school perspective impacts the decisions they make and bills they support.”

In addition to lobbying on behalf of education and mental health bills, the principals asked for full funding of the IDEA Act (Individuals with Disabilities Education), the Title Act, and the Safe and Supportive Schools Act. 

Other bills currently on Capitol Hill focus on growing the teacher pipeline, keeping educators in the profession, and providing training and support for education support professionals who work closely with our students, such as paraprofessionals and tutors. 

“Education is the foundation of a strong country,” said Domstrand. “Sharing our story from Lakeville with our elected officials was an honor.”

Domstrand currently serves as the Minnesota Representative for the National Association of Elementary Principals.

Principal Bret Domstrand with U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and other principals from across the U.S. Principal Bret Domstrand on Capitol Hill